
Posts Tagged ‘north america’

It’s toes #11-20 here.

As the day to leave North America approaches, I can’t help but think of all the things I will sincerely miss, and not miss, here in Canada.

To avoid any sharp flying objects from the direction of my mother (…let’s not talk about that…), I’ll start off by stating the obvious: my family and friends top the list of things I’ll miss here. But in addition, there are other things I’ll miss and of course, things I will NOT miss. Let’s review.


I Will Miss: Coming over the crest at Royal Oak on the Pat Bay Highway to revel in the Olympic Mountains. It often looks like they are just hanging in the sky. Beautiful.

olympic mountains

I Won’t Miss: The Pat Bay Highway and it’s five streetlight intersections.

Stop. Go. Stop. Stop. Stop. Go.

Okay, while we’re on the topic…ferry traffic. And idiots in the “fast lane” doing 65 km/h.


I Will Miss: Canadian Music.

You don’t realize how much of it we listen to until you go without a good Go For Soda fix.

I Won’t Miss: Kim Mitchell.


I Will Miss: Being (somewhat) fashionable.

I have a feeling that my North American wardrobe is going to label me a complete schlub over there. I’m anticipating a flashback to 14-year-old Natasha just arriving in Victoria from small-town Okanagan and showing up for her first day of highschool in a plaid shirt, baggy ripped jeans and skater shoes (sans skateboard) only to find all the girls in butt-hugging flared jeans, platforms and midriff-baring tops.

Tim and I have agreed that we will do our best to keep each other from becoming Euro-trash fashionistas. No promises.

I Won’t Miss: Cougars and their lack of fashion tact.

Please dear God, tell me it’s a North American phenomenon.


First of all, you’re not a baby girl anymore. Second of all, splattering fake rhinestones all over your chest ain’t gonna convince any of us that you are.


I Will Miss: Costco

That was extremely hard to type…I know I shouldn’t love that stupid place but I do.  Cheap magazines, larger-than-life bags of tortilla chips, toilet paper that lasts all year…you can’t go wrong, really.  Somehow I know I will miss this convenience when I struggle to find a Swiss grocery store bigger than the size of a North American 7-11.

I Won’t Miss: Dropping $400 in one trip to Costco and still feeling like I didn’t really buy anything.

Oh, and my butt probably won’t miss the grease bath pizza I down to deal with the buyers remorse afterward.


But topping the list of things I won’t miss once the boys and I move to Switzerland:


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