
Posts Tagged ‘fifa’

Maybe it’s because it only happens every four years and it’s beyond my toddlers-on-the-brain memory, but I don’t recall the World Cup being such a big deal in Canada last time around.  I guess it could also be attributed to the fact that we don’t have a contending team and in fact have only graced the World Cup stage once in the history of the Cup (Mexico, 1986, left totally shame-faced).

Well that is certainly not the case here, where people are going crazy loco for everything football.  At the grocery store, you can buy hard-boiled eggs in your fave team’s national colors. At the department store, you pass mannequins in head-to-toe Italia and España velour track suit, complete with matching panties. It seems as if every merchant window has at one time, in the last few weeks, included some sort of elaborate World Cup display.

Part of me thinks it’s great, seeing everyone get so excited about something. The other part of me wonders if they take it just a bit too far.  For instance, this ad. I mean, really?!

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